Friday 5 June 2015

Artist style copy- Rafei

I did a painting of DotA's Faceless Void in the style of Bob Rafei, taking inspiration from the images below.

I tried to paint Faceless Void in the style of Rafei, with a dark outline and limited shading. I realised that the painting above was not exactly evocative of his style. I suppose the eyes are a stylistic thing of Rafei's, they are very expressive and his work usually features big eyes.

Above, I changed the proportions so that Faceless Void is 5 heads tall, more in proportion with Rafei's artwork. I hope this makes him look more like his work. To improve it I would try to gradient the shading, as can be seen in Rafei's art, and perhaps change the proportions more so that the stomach and hip area were a lot thinner.

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