Tuesday 23 June 2015

Aliens in film and tv

Still thinking that my designs are too human, so I looked up some images of typical alien representation in film and TV. Typically aliens have rather large eyes and a different head shape to humans, as well as different facial structure, in that the eyes take up the majority of the face and the distance between nose and mouth is greater. However, in some films and tv series' aliens either take on a more human form or are entirely different. For example, the 'Prawns' in District 9, the Na'vi in Avatar and the Alien and Predator are quite humanoid in shape, yet they lack human qualities. This is mostly seen in the Alien, Predator and Prawns. 

The Prawns are insectoid- like creatures which makes them appear rather alien, yet their movements and the actual body structure seems rather human. The Alien and Predator are both quite human in their bodies as well, other than the Alien's tail and thin body, as well as some movements. The heads of the Alien and Predator however are alien. Referring back to the headdress/ helmet ideas, I could take inspiration from these two characters, as not being able to see the head, or eyes in particular, takes away important human qualities. The Na'vi are very humanoid, other than their colouring, tails and abilities. A few facial features and their ears cause them to look less human, but fundamentally the design is still very humanoid-based. This goes to show that something quite simple, with a few changes can effectively alter the look and feel of a character.

Another race seen above is  the alien race seen in the film The Abyss, known as Non-Terrestrial Intelligence. They appear to be a marine race as can be indicated by their appearance. They are generally quite colourful and look to be based on some types of sea life. I could also take inspiration from animals and sea creatures to create an alien-looking creature. 

I tried to just do a simple idea inspired by some depictions of aliens and produced:

I just started drawing with nothing really in mind, however these are, in my opinion, very weak, boring designs that are just too human, so I did not take them any further. However it was nice to just draw with nothing really planned out.

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