Monday 18 May 2015


As initial inspiration I constructed a moodboard featuring characters from DotA 2 and League of legends as I feel the styles are very similar and also the actual characters themselves. I chose characters that were particularly otherworldly. What stood out the most was that the DotA characters in particular had interesting facial designs, for example the characters Sven, Faceless Void (not featured in the moodboard), Night Stalker, Ancient Apparition, Razor, Bane and Terrorblade. They either do not have faces in the traditional sense, with eyes, nose, mouth, for example Sven and Razor, which gives them a very inhuman feel as they lack the characteristics. Or someone like Terrorblade who does not quite have skin but something else, again is obviously not human, and not of our world. Such is true of characters from League of Legends, such as Kha'zix, Nasus, Azir, who are more animalistic in appearance. Then there are characters such as Bard, Blitzcrank and Jax (not featured), who also lack faces but have somewhat human appearance except Blitz who is a robot. 

The clothing, or lack of, is another interesting feature. For example many characters in DotA are barely clothed, having their skin look like some organic material or the structure being different in some way, for example Bane, Ancient Apparition and Terrorblade. Different eye and skin colours also feeds into this otherworldly feel, as exhibited by Vengeful Spirit, with her blue skin and somewhat red eyes. 

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