Monday 18 May 2015

Inspirations- Bob Rafei, Ashley Wood, DotA 2

These are the inspirations listed in the brief. I researched some images of all three and tried to simply analyse their styles and possibly draw comparisons between them. For example the somewhat cartoony, fantastical style of Jak and Daxter and DotA 2 characters, however they are fundamentally different in both proportions, colouring and line work. Ashley Wood's style in comparison to both is also greatly different, his line and brush work in particular, unlike the other two, is very rough and blatant. His subject matter, is also of a somewhat different nature, in that his work contains robots, characters from other games or comic books. His work does not feature outlines as Rafei's does, and nor is the shading smooth. It is more impressionistic in a way, as you can see the brushstrokes and that gives the artwork shape and life. 

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