Monday 18 May 2015

Artist style copy

I figured that a good starting point was to do some artist copies in the style of the other artists. I started with Bane from DotA 2 as he was an interesting looking character who looked very much otherworldly so he was good inspiration for the brief. 

I decided to paint him in Ashley Wood's style as I was very drawn to experimenting with brush strokes and trying to do something quickly, as my style is very difficult and I wanted to try something new other than my usual very blended colouring.

Above is the moodboard I used to refer to for colours and style. I chose a few images that featured similar colours and use of brush strokes.

First I started off by tracing over the figure of Bane. 

Then I blocked in the background taking colours from Wood's paintings, particularly the ones of Spawn, as I liked the rusty colours.

Then I painted the figure, again using the rust colours, particularly because the original image of Bane was all purple, so I thought I'd keep the colours all in the same range.

Overall I am happy with this as I can see the brush strokes and it does give it a certain sense of atmosphere, as can be seen in Wood's paintings. However I found it difficult to get that more viscous look as my strokes still seem to look quite flat and not as opaque. This will take some practicing and messing around with brushes.

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